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01329 822533

Price Information

(1 April 2025 - 31 March 2026)

Cremation Fees (Exempt from VAT)

For the cremation of:

A young person whose age at the time of death is 17 years or under

No Charge

A person whose age at the time of death is 18 years or above (45 min service)

The cremation fee is for a full 45 minute service or a committal service (including the time for entering and exiting the chapel)

  • To provide full services for all administration and registration of the cremation
  • Medical Referee fee
  • The assistance of a chapel attendant during the service
  • Use of the audio and visual systems (excluding webcasts, visual tributes, keepsake copies, and any variances
  • A full mercury abated cremation that meets all statutory regulations and environmental legislation
  • Preparation of cremated remains for removal (including a certificate of cremation for the disposal of remains and a biodegradable ash box), scattering - witnessed or unwitnessed within 1 year of cremation date (a charge will be made after this period), or temporary storage of cremated remains for up to 3 months (a charge will be made after this period)
  • Provision of information on the Book of Remembrance, Garden Improvement Fund, and a Garden Plan for any scatterings

Walkthrough (non-attendance at 8.30am)

The cremation fee does not include a service and is strictly no attendance.

  • To provide full services for all administration and registration of the cremation
  • Medical Referee fee
  • A full mercury abated cremation that meets all statutory regulations and environmental legislation
  • Preparation of cremated remains for removal (including a certificate of cremation for the disposal of remains and a biodegradable ash box), scattering - witnessed or unwitnessed within 1 year of cremation date (a charge will be made after this period), or temporary storage of cremated remains for up to 3 months (a charge will be made after this period)
  • Provision of information on the Book of Remembrance, Garden Improvement Fund, and a Garden Plan for any scatterings


Optional Charges

Organ (Prices include VAT)

Use of organ (Excluding the provision of an organist)


Ashes (Prices are exempt from VAT)

Scattering of cremated remains returned after 1 year of cremation date or received from other Crematoria (Administration, scattering witnessed or unwitnessed and upkeep of gardens)


Temporary retention of cremated remains (after 3 months)


Webcast Services (Prices include VAT)

Webcast & view online for a further 28 days


Digital Download (stand-alone) link of the recorded service ordered separate from the Webcast Live


Webcast / Visual Tribute Keepsake Copy (DVD/Blu-ray/USB stick)


Visual Tribute (Prices include VAT)

Single Photo (A picture of the deceased that can be shown throughout the service, or at a selected time)

Free of charge

Additional Single Photo (additional photo displayed at your time of choosing)


Basic Slideshow (A slideshow of up to 25 photos played on a loop or at a specific time in the service)


Music Tribute (A tribute of up to 25 photos timed to a chosen piece of music)


Family-made tribute (A family supplied video, quality checked by media company and delivered to site)


Themed tribute (Select from a range of themes and up to 25 photos, professionally edited and timed to music)


Digital Download Link (add on) when ordered alongside the Service Recording, Music Tribute or Themed Tribute


Variances (Prices include VAT)

Each Additional Keepsake copies (DVD/Blu-ray/USB stick)


Each extra 25 photos on a visual tribute


Extra work adding to the standard work


Late Fee - for amendments requested after the content submission deadlines


Media Services of Young People (17 years or under) – includes Webcast, Single Photo & Basic Slideshow or Music Tribute of up to 25 photos

Free of charge

Other Charges (Prices include VAT)

Administration Fee for provision of additional Cremation Certificate/Register Extract


Administration Fee for provision of additional Garden Plan


Administration Fee for provision of genealogy information (price on application, minimum charge applies)


Provision of Bearer services on the day (subject to availability of staff and approval of the Manager)


Book of Remembrance (Prices include VAT)

Single entry (2 lines)


Double entry (5 lines)


Double entry with badge, crest or floral motif


Treble entry (8 lines)


Treble entry with badge or crest or floral motif


Memorial Cards (Prices include VAT)

Single entry (2 lines)


Double entry (5 lines)


Double entry with badge, crest or floral motif


Treble entry


Treble entry with badge, crest or floral motif


Memorial Plaques (Prices include VAT)

Memorial Tree - Maple Leaf - 5 Year Licence


Memorial Tree - 5 Year Licence Renewal


Memorial Tree - Replacement Maple Leaf (Acrylic)


Landmarks Frieze - Daffodil or Hampshire Rose - 5 Year Licence


Landmarks Frieze - 5 Year Licence Renewal


Landmarks Frieze - Replacement Plaque (Porcelain)


Naval Frieze - Poppy Plaque - 5 Year Licence


Naval Frieze - 5 Year Licence Renewal


Naval Frieze - Replacement Plaque (Porcelain)
